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التوصيل مجانا بيكو ثلاجة نو فروست 501 لتر 2 باب بفريزر سفلي RCNE560E35ZXP صورة أكبر

بيكو ثلاجة نو فروست 501 لتر 2 باب بفريزر سفلي RCNE560E35ZXP


نوع المنتج : فريزر سفلي
الارتفاع : 192 cm
عرض :70 cm
العمق :74.5 cm
نوع نظام التبريد : مانع تجمد
موضع الفريزر : فريزر سفلي
نوع الشاشة : ال إي دي
لون ستانلس ستيل


الميزات الرئيسية

Two separate cooling systems do not transmit odor
It is difficult to leave the fish in the fridge at the same time as a delicious cake without its flavor mixed in. But with NeoFrost Dual Cooling technology, you will get two separate cooling systems for each compartment while maintaining optimum air flow and ideal temperatures in both the refrigerator and the refrigerator. As a result, the food will stay fresh for a longer time without being covered by the ice or changing its aroma.

ProSmart Inverter Compressor

High efficiency, high durability, lower sound

If your fridge is buzzing and consuming a lot of energy, now is the perfect time to make a change. Thanks to its innovative design, the ProSmart Inverter Compressor will provide faster cooling with less energy consumption and four times less noise than regular fridge compressors. It adapts to changes in temperature quickly, preserving the quality of food for a longer period while saving your electricity bill, all at the same time

العرض70 cm
الإرتفاع192 cm
شاشة ديجيتالنعم
السعة اللترية501
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